Blue Scrap Shirt
My girls and I have so much fun playing with our clothes!
Here's our latest creation... inspired from a cute little petal covered backpack
Here's our latest creation... inspired from a cute little petal covered backpack
I saw on Happy Together, and all the fun refashioning done on My Mama Made It.
I found a cheapy little white T at Wallyworld (Walmart) for $3.00, knowing we'd find something fun to do with it.
I made the cutting easy by folding up a long strip of fabric accordion style...
I zig-zag tacked each little heart around the shoulder and neck of the shirt, with a little tuck in it to make it look like a petal.
Erika tried it on with a long jersey vest today and she looked so, so cute!
Bobbi I am dying right now!! Seriously I am doing this exact shirt right now! except, mine is long sleeved and I used white on white fabric!!!!